
by schmetterling   Dec 25, 2020

It honestly
amazes me
how far I've come
in less than two years.
I went from
wishing to die
to wanting to thrive.
I graduated college,
I completed three internships,
and I started a career.
I gained many friends,
and I became closer with family.
There is so much
that I am thankful for,
that I cherish daily.
There is so much
I would've missed out on
had I committed suicide.
it did not happen,
and thankfully
I am here
living the dreams
I've had for years.
I guess
it does all work out
some way.


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  • 4 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Well done. All you've achieved is amazing.

  • 4 years ago

    by Everlasting

    Yeah, hard work pays off. I’m glad to know you are doing great. All the best.