
by Obscure   Dec 28, 2020

The numbness spreads
from heart to head
And makes it hard
to rise from bed

The sunlight feels
a little grey,
There's no desire
to move today

All tasks unfinished
still reside
in dusty corners
of my mind

And till I find
the will to live
Here's all the effort
I can give

I waste my time,
and yes it's true,
it seems I've grown
away from you

The darkness here
where I reside
will slowly kill me
from inside

And if I risk
the bitter cold
I could lose all
I wish to hold

The terror grips me
and I think
the more I struggle,
more I sink

which direction
should I go
when every way
will end alone

- Obscure
© 2020

(sometimes writing helps me sort out my feelings, so even if I don't love the end result, I still keep (and sometimes share) what I've written because it was somehow helpful at one point)


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  • 4 years ago

    by Star

    Writing does help ^_^ this is so good!!!
    I’m always excited to read something new from you!

    • 4 years ago

      by Obscure

      Thank you, Star!