Pull The Trigger

by Baby Rainbow   Jan 9, 2021

I realise my heart may still be tender,
but his bullet can never assault what I have repaired.
He taught me that frozen hearts could never be broken,
and I've learned that scars don't actually hurt.

You seem to be on a destructive mission,
hoping to crash through my world
for some sort of selfish gain,
which I still can't work out what or why.
you also fail to realise that numbness spreads like wildfire
and I no longer feel the way he used to make me.

Go ahead and pull the trigger,
hit the road and run me over
as many times as you feel you need to
until you can tick that your mission is complete,
but it won't be that simple.
My old concrete heart couldn't move
even if you had a grenade as powerful as your vicious tongue.

Bend the truth as much as you want
because in doing so, it only helps me decide
that you will forever be a part of him,
therefore forever a part of the past.

So go ahead and pull the trigger,
you cannot kill what is already dead.




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