The Desert of Unbelief

by CRAFTY KEN   Jan 18, 2021

The Desert of Unbelief

Where the human Soul seeks, but can never find Peace, and relief. A cool breeze stirs the few leaves on the desert trees, the young Fawn lift's it's widened eyes, in awe, of the huge dark Storm clouds gathering on the distant horizon.

Suddenly, the splat, splat, sound of huge rain drops upon the ground awake the nightmare laden weary Soul. The Desert Rose, sleeping through it's death like hibernation, awakes with a shout of joy to the Creator, and proudly displays it's beautifully colored red Roses, spoken of by those, in many a Prose.

The heavenly heavy rain, instantly transforms the bone dry Desert into a lush green Valley, the Sin laden Soul is mystified by the sight.

Then cries out, Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, this Soul did not realize that, as promised, The Lord Jesus had returned in the Clouds, to catch up his Body, the Church, his Mystical Body of believers on the Earth.

Then the Lord declares to the Soul, look up, can you number just the Stars of our Galaxy, or the Sands of the Sea? If not, you are without an excuse, to be an unbeliever!

Then the unbelieving Soul cried out; Lord Jesus; Save me! Little did the lost Soul realize that Scripture declares ALL who call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus, SHALL BE SAVED. By a loving, caring, Creator God, and, it is not based upon how good or bad you have been in your lives. But that Christ took your place on the Cross, thus the Just dying for the unjust, He was punished for your Sins, and He gave you HIS Righteousness. Now our Father in Heaven sees you as His adopted Son/Daughter, eating at the Table of the Family of God! What Good News!

Note; In life, we are faced with many choices, bad ones reap bad consequences ( When we make daily choices, we NEVER know if it was a good one, but if you ask God to make it for you, it will always be for good. As the Apostle Paul wrote; And we know THAT GOD CAUSES ALL THINGS TO WORK FOR GOOD, TO THOSE WHO LOVE HIM!)
Good consequences reap good results, always!


Every Man/Woman is made in the very Image, and Likeness of God Himself, therefore very valuable to Him, even to the sacrifice of his ONLY begotten Son Jesus.

A choice must be made, for His Word says; TODAY is the Day of Salvation, in order to avoid an Eternity of Hell, Repent, and be delivered by the Lord Jesus, as the Word declares, HE SHALL SAVE HIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINS, WHICH ON YOUR OWN YOU CANNOT DO!

Crafty Ken
January 18, 2021


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  • 4 years ago

    by Dark Secrets

    I love the imagery in this poem, it takes me to another world. I felt like I was in a fantasy movie. In some way you have captured how it feels to have faith, even on the darkest days. :)

  • 4 years ago


    I wrote this Poem as an outreach to those lost Souls. To make it more interesting, I used Metaphorical, Rhyming, real life, and fictitious events, woven into a Biblical type of Poetry. It's a bit long, but I pray that it draws the interest of many.