Comments : An Empty Drawer

  • 4 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This is sad indeed! I read this as the desk being a metaphor for when we wipe away all of our own imperfections, or detach ourselves completely from our past. What made us who we are is forgotten. While it can be healthy for some people to start over in their lives and move on from what they've known, however they choose to move on, for others it can take away the voice they could have gained by accepting or living with the knowledge of the past. And all that comes with it. All the scars, mistakes, blemishes. No one has a perfect, pristine past. Also, when we act like someone we're not, just for show, we neglect the opportunity to be vulnerable. We put on a front, thinking it will move us forward, when there should be more appreciation in who we are and where we're at now in our lives.

    This was well-rhymed and held a lot of meaning to me!

    • 4 years ago

      by Walter

      Thanks so very much Poet! I appreciate your detailed comment and while I actually did repair the desk I talk about, it is as you say, a metaphor of who I was then as a ten year old to who I have become now as an adult. It really made me think of all the changes we make along the way and to extremes, starting with a clean slate to become who we are today. But as you mention, simply erasing this removes the 'voice' of the past with the character built from it. And clearly, a new coat of paint will never hide this.

  • 4 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    Well write as always. It's such a difficult decision to throw out or update the old but you can bet your life that as soon as you've got rid of something or changed it to the point of no return is when you realise you needed it all along just the way it was. A lovely thought provoking piece xx

    • 4 years ago

      by Walter

      Thank you for your lovely comment Milly and yes, maybe we should just learn to accept things the way they are, instead of replacing or changing them. It takes years to mold something to what it is, but only seconds to destroy it. Thanks for reading xx