Comments : Grey

  • 4 years ago

    by prasanna

    Welcome back! A truly thought provoking write. Nominated!

    • 4 years ago

      by chandelier

      Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

  • 4 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This read like a juxtaposition, when nature is clear and bright and our minds are cloudy, we're wondering where to go. Or we're just following everyone else.

    "In a glory so dull
    Like prisoners of the mundane
    With souls fixed like
    Tapes on windowpanes."

    - My favorite lines. It made me think of how we accept the mundane because it's what we know, or are used to. How our comfort can be rooted in familiarity and what's to be expected. If we can't be spontaneous because that would be risk and not being anonymous. Not blending in.

    Love the moment in time you've captured. Observing everyone then wondering where it is you'll go next. It's also interesting how grey can be such a prevalent thing, even when there is life in the town, like how you said it's modern. Grey is more than a color, and it permeates more than buildings.

    Great to see a new piece from you! Hope you share more soon :)