A day in the dark

by Ky   Jan 25, 2021

Where dreams they dare,
Not show their face,
And nightmares rise,
To take their place,
As rightful heirs,
To seat the throne,
In this place where all,
Are all alone,
Every fear,
From deep inside,
Within this realm,
Sits in plain sight,
Rarely there will,
Be a light,
To guide those lost,
No end in sight,
But much like day,
Turns into night,
And night turns,
Into day,
The light it fails,
To last too long,
And always fades away


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  • 4 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    This is a beautiful dark piece... just wow!

    • 4 years ago

      by Ky

      Thank you for your kind words

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