Comments : Floating in Space

  • 4 years ago

    by Milo

    You won't read this and I don't expect you to, but you will be happy and sad to know that friends and lovers come and go. I learned it the hard way. So when I say I'm no longer your Wolf and you are no longer my Space, we both know it's heartfelt and true. Doomed youth was romantic for both of us, but doomed middle-age is not. Whatever cruel lessons are ahead of us, I guess it's time to finally listen. Because if I can't bring Her back, if I can't have you without drugs or alcohol and if I can't have love without it destroying me and watching you destroy yourself, then I choose happiness, even if that means I find happiness without you.

    • 4 years ago

      by Girandole

      I hope you find happiness and peace within yourself. This was a moving piece, beautifully crafted. All the best.