Comments : Lockdown sucks.

  • 4 years ago

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    Ah Em! It's just horrible isn't it? I think the lockdown for those of us living alone has challenged our mental health to the limits and in different ways to the challenges of lockdown with other people. I've done both now and alone is definitely the harder one! I hope you're finding writing and posting on here eases the loneliness a little? Sending hugs xx

  • 4 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Good morning, Em. The sun is shining here whilst I sit in my bay window. I am sure this same sun is shining on you. As for lockdown and walks in parks. Lockdown does prevent close contact but that doesn't stop me from saying hello, or smiling. I don't wear my mask outdoors. I have a snood, so when I can't keep my distance, I pull it up.
    For a single person, lockdown is terrible. I can't imagine how isolating this must be. ((hugs)) You do have a gift of writing. Your acrostics like this one, show how you can pour your heart out in a way that it is heard clearly. Should anyone stop dreaming - hell no! xx

  • 4 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Em, I genuinely believe we are through the worst of this terrible virus and the summer is on its way, too. Just hang on a little while longer.


    • 4 years ago

      by Em

      Thanks everyone =)