Comments : Prolonged goodbye.

  • 4 years ago

    by Em

    The title stands out to me because for me it's like you know someone is dying, I have been through this myself with my dear grandad because he had been diagnosed with cancer for a long time before he died and each time he fought it, it came back more progressively so it that respect we has a 'prolonged goodbye' as we knew his time was coming but not when.
    The first two parts of this are like you have been in this situation and though you've been here before you don't know how to cope with it and it's not easy which 'goodbyes never are regardless of wanting them of not currently I am going through a divorce and though I wanted it because my ex husband is a controlling, abuse man it was hard to instigate this because I'd been with him a long time and being with him was all I'd known... The first line for me is like you're saying "oh, here we go again" I love the imagery in the second stanza of walls chipping until there are holes which cannot be covered and it makes me wonder whether or not that is actually a wall or skin as in has this person been so nasty as to hurt you and say things that chip away to cause discrepancies 'holes' in your mental health. It makes one wonder.
    These next two stanza although simple in their lines are very thought provoking because no one does notice death in their early stages, no one realises they have cancer until they have symptoms eg a lump, no one realises someone is severely depressed, until it's too late and unfortunately, this is true if only we were giving a day of our death but then again would we run for the hills if we knew??
    I can't give away
    all the memories,
    so I analyze them
    carefully in preparation.
    This stanza makes me think that you have definitely lost someone dear to you, whether or not it's through death or a separation is unclear but it still hurts like hell despite which it is as you talk of memories but as you speak of analysing and prepartions I feel you have lost someon due to death and are possibly preparing for a funeral, if that is the case I am sorry for your loss.
    This is not a warning sign;
    it's been clear all along.
    A very hard hitting stanza.
    The winter you thought you
    could escape
    has always existed here,
    This makes me feel that things between you and this other person have been a bit hostile because of the word winter and the way you used "always existed here" but I could be reading too much into it and it could just mean where you live (I'm writing this and don't know as my memory is terrible) could always be quite cold anyway).
    you simply pretended that
    the sun could hold enough

    but it's not enough

    even I know this.
    I love the ending because it sums up the poem nicely and makes me believe that what I thought about the last stanzas was true that there was some sort of hostility in the relationship you had with this person and they always tried to make things seem brighter but not everything smells of roses, does it?
    Another fantastic piece.
    Take care xx

    • 4 years ago

      by Poet on the Piano

      Fantastic comment, Em. Thanks so much. Love your reflection and interpretation. You are such a strong soul, appreciate you reading <3

  • 4 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    You keep posting excellent poems with links to cool stuff. I love Linkin Park, this song and especially this album. Thanks, for the memories : )

    • 4 years ago

      by Poet on the Piano

      Thank you, and yes, love it! I listened to them in middle school and now 10+ years later, their music is still helping me and I'll be listening many years from now. Hybrid Theory is legendary!

  • 4 years ago

    by Alanis

    Beautiful as always.
    I am glad that even after all these year and forgetting about this place, you're still writing unforgettable poetry

    • 4 years ago

      by Poet on the Piano

      Welcome back on here, Alanis. Isn't it amazing how this site can bring us back? Anyway, thank you so much for reading and your comment, I appreciate it!

  • 4 years ago

    by nouriguess

    “No one realizes death
    in its earliest stages.”
