
by CJ Maleney   Feb 10, 2021

When you were no more than a thought,
You were simply just than an egg.
A swimming thing, pushed its way in.
Did not argue, did not beg!

Thus you started to grow and evolve.
Cells combined, did twist and turn.
so much time for you to grow,
And so much for you to learn.

I jump the gun little bit !
For time must always abide.
Still white around the edges.
Yellow and gooeyish inside.

Time moves on and shifts a bit,
And you think life is a gamble!
But you're still a little egg my friend,
Just a little bit more scrambled!

And now you think you know it all!
And all subjects you can broach!
Oh my love I do despair,
You are just a little poached.

So now you find yourself where I once was,
When you can't tell truth from lies!
Take this as true, get hold of you,
Or you'll end up bloody fried.

If you get past the last bit of this life.
I'm sure you will have toiled.
At this point you gain my respect,

Because you are totally hard boiled!


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  • 4 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    This is so well written and relateable! The facts of life and its lesson all wrapped up inside the growth of an egg. Enjoyed the read :) take care.

    • 4 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      Chuffed you like Meena, I actually wrote this while making scrambled eggs with cheese for my daughter.

      Funny how silly things can trigger a thought process.

  • 4 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    This made me laugh, Craig. Clever stuff.

    • 4 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      Hiya Ben

      Sorry dude same musta happened to my reply to you as it did to the mad cat lady. Ah well but least my errors are consistent. Glad it raised a smile dude.

  • 4 years ago

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    Hey Craig :-) I totally love this analogy for the growth of kids (and people in general). It's really clever! :-) x

    • 4 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      Hey us mad cat lady, thought I replied earlier but can't have pressed send. Seems to have happened to a couple of replies. I got called out to a job so musta scrambled things up a bit. See what I did there lol.

      Hope you and yours are well

      Craig xxx

  • 4 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Morning, Craig.
    I can say to you, this is not over-egged! Lol
    Seriously, we reflect on the past, watching them grow from tots to toddlers, to teens, to, well you know what I mean. Using your metaphor, if we carefully prepare, cook and present our egg dishes, they will, not only, be a wonderous, they be tasty too!

    • 4 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      How's it going fella.

      Sorry it's been yonks, don't have so much time these days and I'll be honest sometimes I'm just too tired to log in and read.

      Over egged lol giggled but that. Ya gotta love a good pun

      Cheers for the smiles mate.

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