Gender roles

by Lynn. V   Feb 18, 2021

Gender roles

She’s a lady and I’m just a man

I’m a man , I don’t cry
She’s a lady her hair is dyed
I’m a man I worry about work

She’s a lady , she worries about her looks
I’m a man , I write the books
She’s the lady , stays home and cooks

She is a women, she is strong
I am a man I am hurt
Oh how society could be so wrong

She is a women , fears to wear a skirt
I am a man , tired of the act
She is a women , she cares

I wish I could change the past
Give women the right to education
The men a vacation from the stress

The stress of providing
Hiding &Lying about how one truly is
“Pink is for girls “
Well so what if it is

“ real men don’t cry “
Consistently judged by sex Appeal
What’s the big deal ?

I do coding
She welds
Together we excel

But our time isn’t ready for that
like google when it’s loading
Still promoting gender roles

A pretty girl gets looked down
on if she isn’t slender
A boy who wants to wear a dress is frowned upon

Stop gender roles
Let’s take control
Better the world



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Latest Comments

  • 3 years ago

    by Keira Pickard

    Very true. People shouldn't be judged or put into categories, or told what they should/shouldn't do.
    Welcome to poems and quotes!

  • 3 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Well said. . . Gender roles have been stuck too long, now is the time to sing a new song.

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