Comments : Spiders.

  • 4 years ago

    by Star

    Your poetry lately keeps giving me real chills!!
    Very deserved win congrats MA :)

  • 4 years ago

    by M.Useless

    Congratulations on the win. Well done.

  • 4 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Congratulations. I do love like spiders. They induce such intense reactions. Your poem was a relatable joy to read.

  • 4 years ago

    by Em

    Hello there, firstly I'd like to congratulate you on a well deserved win. Secondly, I would like to say the title 'spiders' may be simple but does it really tell us what the actual context is about? I guess we'll see.

    I regret not killing you.
    This opening stanza links greatly back to the title and leaves the reader wondering why this statement was made as in "why do regret not killing' particular creature, the spider especially as many people kill them instantly, though I'm a catch and release kind of woman.

    I could have done it quickly, without a trace.
    But I thought I could persuade you to crawl
    back, and when my hand shook,
    you took advantage and scurried away.
    Another good link but to the first stanza and explains that the 'killing of a spider is quick and leaves no trace' as they're bodies are discarded with the trash or worse still put down the loo though you decided like me to, possibly, catch and release or maybe you wanted a pet? My nephew loves declaring he's got another pet spider to me lol.

    Everything is cramped.
    My flashlight isn't bright enough.
    I can't find you - I can't find me.
    This is an interesting stanza as you seem to be saying that because the spider is lost, so are you. Maybe you've been lost a long time but haven't been able to come to terms with it and having this 'spider' wondering around makes you realise this, I'm unsure.

    This room that once felt like a
    banquet hall for kings and queens
    has transformed into a torture chamber.
    This hit me right in the feels and I'm now not sure if this is about spiders at all.. This reminded me of my controlling, Narcissistic and violent ex who charmed his way into my life, treated me like a Queen to then trasnform our home into 'a torture chamber' and I still bare the scars.

    You can't escape if I can't.
    I just have no words.

    How I wish I could somersault into
    the snowy streets and be someone
    else's danger, though you'd still trail
    along and draft another homicide.
    This stanza made my gasp.

    When morning light shatters my plan,
    my eyes will spill out like egg whites.
    I'll try again to locate your lattice,
    only to decimate myself.
    The imagery in the (well throughout the piece) is astounding, I absolutely love the thought, maybe not, of your 'eyes spilling out like egg whites' and though it's gruesome, it's a fascinating concept.

    And even if these words are nothing
    more than an anecdote, know that
    your obsession won't go away
    because the webs are broken.
    Wow, now this definitely speaks control to me because of the last two lines, I'm probably far wrong but it feels as though the ties are broken 'the webs' but they will always be apart of your life as their 'obsession won't go away' and unfortunately, in a lot of controlling and abusive relationships this is the case.
    Sending all my strength and love,
    Take care and well done on the win =)
    Em x