Comments : Stormy Times

  • 4 years ago

    by silver cloud

    so sweet , there is always a place for peace seekers :)

  • 4 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    A topical piece that flows well and seeks introspective. The imagery is effective in this narrative, too!
    The last stanza doesn't flow as well as the rest, this may be deliberate to show how messed up this world is becoming. If not, I would suggest a closer look. Either way, nice work. X

  • 4 years ago

    by Em

    Hi Milly,
    I'm glad to see this nominated.
    The title 'Stormy Times' makes me think of some kind of turmoil, is it an inner turmoil or a relationship turmoil? Or am I even just way off.. I don't know.
    These diamond tears flush dreams of love away
    Betrayal but a tea that burns my tongue
    Deceasing spirals crushed into one place
    It seems to me that everything is wrong
    I like the imagery portray here. The use of 'diamond tears' is extremely intriguing and it makes me wonder whether this is a poor to rich story of someone being with another because money is involved although could just be one of those 'I wanted to use it' times as I've had those alot. I love the second line here.

    Truth twists and sours, primal on the wind
    Emotions rage within the bitter storm
    I bleed for sunny days and air once fresh
    This world must learn to squeeze again the norm
    This stanza makes me believe that you are talking of the current situation we all find ourselves in... We are all 'bitter,' 'sour' and 'emotional' which isn't a good mix as a bunch of people with these traits calls for a riot. We need normality or some form of normality back or we'll go much crazier than we already are... I for one, have already reached the crazy farm so there's no going back lol. I like the imagery of us squeezing the norm again.

    Up and down the playground sea-saw crashes
    Each movement jolts and rocks your inner throne
    Hope dwindles quickly to a tiny spark
    When everyone is gone and you're alone
    Wow, this stanza is so sombre it kicks me in the gut and pulls my heart out sideways as recently I've be struggling terribly so I've ended up at my mums because I've been alone and wasn't coping and whenever people visited (not many usually mum or my brother) I'd feel like some kind of normality had resumed then when they left and I knew I wouldn't see them for days, I would cry and cry and cry... So those last two lines really hit home to me that not just I have been struggling but many others and those people that see no one whatsoever must be really struggling and it breaks my heart, it truly does. I count my blessings every day but some times it's really difficult.

    Cold's the knife that slices through livid skies
    Ripping once beauteous clouds asunder
    Is there a place of peace here for me now?
    Within this harsh dying world of thunder?
    What an ending. To a fantastic, up to date with society piece.
    I just have no words. As I said before, I'm just glad this is nominated.
    Take care and stay safe.
    Lots of love,
    Em x

    • 4 years ago

      by Milly Hayward

      Thankyou so much Em for taking time to write that wonderful review. It is a piece that is filled with genuine turmoil and frustration inside and out. Recently it seemed a series of hellish things were happening beyond my control which pushed me to my limit. Milly x

  • 4 years ago

    by Star

    Oh WOW!!! This is powerful!!!

    • 4 years ago

      by Milly Hayward

      Thankyou Star it was powerful emotions behind it Milly x

  • 4 years ago

    by Walter

    This is a wonderful write Milly! I enjoyed reading this very much x

  • 4 years ago

    by Skyfire

    Stormy times indeed, such a powerful piece.

  • 4 years ago

    by M.Useless

    Very powerful, loved this line, “ Truth twists and sours, primal on the wind”. Thanks for sharing.

  • 4 years ago

    by cassie hughes

    There is so much powerful imagery in this piece it is amazing. It conjures up a spirit in turmoil, tormented and striving to break free from its chains yet not really knowing what it will do if it does. A true gothic horror story feel.

  • 3 years ago

    by Jack

    Great poem!