Comments : In the glimmer of the sun

  • 4 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    "and the creases of our
    fears are made flat
    like trimmed cloth"

    - These were my favorite lines! I loved the minimal use of punctuation in this, the flow of it and the dreamy aspect of it, the content reality of being with your love and letting every part of the day soak through you, taking it all in...

    Lovely imagery in this! And I also felt that glimmer of a future together, enjoying the present but lifting those dreams up too, to tomorrow.

  • 4 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Touching on what MA says about the sparse use of punctuation, I found this to benefit the flow of the poem wonderfly. You find yourself literally gliding down the page as you read.

    All the best as ever