
by Poet on the Piano   Mar 1, 2021

we lived for ourselves not false gods
butterscotch throats and blackberry knees

jumping around the packed plaza
for four minutes straight

until we were dizzy and feeling free
guiltless and in love

even though we weren't
we clearly weren't

and the world would remind us that
every kiss would be judged

no matter if we mimicked it
lipglossed halos and minty adieus

we continued worshipping the most
mundane parts of the city

and the most hidden parts of
the forest by your house

nature kept us safe from
greedy eyes of grown men

and there are times where I'd kill
to be treasured again

in the innocence of youth
in the fantasy we swallowed whole

a cherry for each touch

a pit in our stomachs that we'd
eventually have to throw up


also inspired by Goldfrapp's album "Seventh Tree"


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  • 4 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    I havent heard the album but this piece brought to my mind vividly a captured moment of innocence and youth. Milly x

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