Comments : No one home

  • 3 years ago

    by Star

    Oh Wow this hits hard!! The opening and the ending so effective, even on their own!

    “On my return,
    I notice the flat
    wears icicles for fingers;

    try to turn on the heating
    but I'm all out of electricity.”
    I was rereading them separately, and for some reason they made sense together. Though it gives a complete different vibe :)

  • 3 years ago

    by M.Useless

    Very powerful piece. There are so many single lines in it I love, icicles for fingers, you're smile shows folk pretense of 'happy ever afters', but I'm all out of electricity. You could break it out differently, single out every line, or create a giant punctuation free rant, and it would still work. Sad, but well crafted. Thank you for sharing.