by Kate   Mar 18, 2021

There’s a lot of places I thought I’d
see before I ever saw this year.
A college graduate, the occasional traveler,
starting a life-long career.
But life doesn’t always go as planned,
and that was my biggest fear.
There were many days I imagined
that I’d never make it here.
I let the decisions I made with regard
to others fill me up with grief;
I let it stagnate my life and ruin my
happiness beyond belief.
I thought that other people’s success
was equivalent to my demise.
And I cried so many nights until the
tears no longer left my eyes.
I’m not sure how it happened, but
those feelings I came to ignore.
For all that I’ve accomplished thus far,
I gladly welcome you, 24.


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  • 4 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Well first of all, happy birthday! May this year bring you much joy and peace. I feel this poem so much, with my own birthday coming up in a few months, it's usually a bittersweet time. This is such a reflective piece, and I seriously relate to the comparing, especially with those around our age who have those big milestones and we feel inadequate in some way. I am happy, though, that you seem to be content or at least grateful for all you have accomplished thus far as suggested in the last few lines. Because how often do we go back and think about what we could have done more of or what could have been? And we'll never find relief that way. We'll never make it to a point where we're at ease with ourselves. You wrote a lot of truths in this that I think many people can take something from. That fear of life not going as planned, then focusing on it where it ultimately brings us down, can be daunting... but we can overcome it and try to just "be" in the present.

    Always love reading your work!

    • 4 years ago

      by Kate

      As always, I appreciate your thorough comments :)

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