i'll send ya the book. its on amazon by douglas Laurent that's me, just say so. lotta spiritual stuff. quotes on the internet like on lovein quotes, see Goodreads . a review:
Laurent has a unique style of writing that in itself causes the reader to think in a more focused way than usual. The story line is intricate and engaging. It causes you to want to skip ahead to see what’s next. But to do so would ruin the “picture” that he is “painting” with words. He is a wordsmith who values a well turned phrase. His characters are portrayed in exceptional depth and very colorful. The verbal exchanges are intricate. His use of satire and wit are very enjoyable. The way that the battle scenes are portrayed make you feel as if you’re standing on the sidelines of an arena, watching the opponent’s fighting for an advantage through their different styles of combat. This is a story of grand vistas, Complex characters, intense battles, and exceptional style. A 5 Star read that is worth the time and money.