The Train of My Mind

by Lexie Lou   Apr 23, 2021

Through trial and error, I've soon come to realize,
That in my growing pains and fear..
My voice has become much lost in size,
And the darkness draws ever closer, e'er near..

Then as my body begins to slow its course,
And find a new routine to play;
My soul must search to kill the source,
For which it'll deminish with a light of ray

Once my soul and body are both in one,
My mind will be at it's peace for a while..
But up until it's all said and done,
My mind will be quite, what's the word? Futile..


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  • 3 years ago

    by Jack

    Great Poem! And welcome to the site!

    • 2 years ago

      by Lexie Lou

      Thank you so much for that Jack :)

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