
by Everlasting   May 6, 2021

i wanted to be a snail
to hide comfortably in my shell
and for a moment avoid this hell
we live day to day

i wanted to walk as low
as snails do
and have the luxury to rest
whenever I felt like

but as i walked down the street
i saw slithering on the concrete
a snail without a shell
moving faster than an ant

I searched a few feet up and saw,
the shell was broken, smashed up,
almost as if someone stepped on it
and freed the snail
from all the weight it carried on


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  • 3 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Yes, I bet all the way down there, they have the weight of the world upon their 'shoulders'. However, Lucero, I hope you realize that this poem of yours may spark a mass wave of 'snail liberation' which is fine if one's feet are small and delicate. But what about all those do-gooders with large, clumsy feet who, in freeing the snails of their weight/shells, step too hard upon them and crush them entirely? I do hope you can live with yourself... :)

    Take care

    • 3 years ago

      by Everlasting

      Ooh rats. I Didn’t think this through

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