Comments : The Time Between Our Visits

  • 3 years ago

    by Kate

    I wasn't expecting this to hit quite as hard as it did.

    It's beautifully and sadly written, and it's easy to sense the pain or fear behind the words as I read. You've painted an experience for each reader quite well, allowing them to connect to the same feeling.

    I love the repetition of the title and how, with the progression of the poem, you can feel the mood change and see the sad side of the relationship.

    Great write.

    • 3 years ago

      by Someone Invisible

      Thank you. I just wrote it last night whilst crying and i just reread it and Im crying again. Lol I always worry over posting poems like this because I dont rhyme or put it in an actual poem format like a sonnet or a limerick but I find that I write freer and truer if I dont put constraints on myself. Idk, Im just happy that the emotions come through. Maybe someone will read this and finally understand what their partner has been trying to say. Maybe someone will read this and not feel so alone because others understand their pain too.