Memory Lane

by Angie   Aug 9, 2021

Memory Lane

You ever have one of those days
When all the memories of your past
Suddenly come flooding back
And hits you in the pit of your stomach

Yeah, that’s how my weekend went
I was home alone in the house
And although I’ve been alone here before
There was something different about this weekend
And I went down that memory lane of yesteryear…

The houses I grew up in, school, friends, the teenage love
Picking up my whole life in Jersey and making the big move to Florida
Meeting the “one”, falling in love, getting married, having babies
Watching them grow

Having family Sundays at mom and dads
Holidays, divorces, more moves, weddings, grandbabies

When you lose your parents, the ones that born you,
Raised you, taught you…
The ones you look up too, the ones who inspired you,
The ones who loved you unconditionally,
You know, your heroes…

It hits you so Fn hard
Your heart breaks and
A piece of you dies with them

And then you have many of those “memory” days
They just suddenly appear
You just never know when or
How they are going to hit you

You wish, at times, you could go back, stop time

You reach for the phone
Only to realize
They are not going to answer…

Yeah, it was one of those weekends
And even though I was alone and
It was difficult and I shed many tears
And even laughed at myself
I wouldn’t trade it for anything

Those memories, good and bad, are my life
And I am so very grateful for them
So, please, don’t ever stop going down that lane
Cause it’s the most precious, the most priceless lane
You will ever go down


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