
by Wednesday   Sep 7, 2021

Shush, listen
Do you hear the silence,
Of the ones who swore
Their precious alliance?

Shiny as a penny.
Two-faced, worthless
Disguised as friends
And families.
Just a helping hand
That's all I ask.
As I break my seams
So it seems,
A rather trying task
Here I stand
Trekking home
I am not alone
As I stand,
With your helpful

Fight the lies.
The heavy, sick
Blood shot
And sleepless
Endless nights
I love you
For I have seen
This scene
With words so true
Here I rise
By your side
Bare the tide
As I rise
With utter, desperate

Shush, listen
Do you hear my soul
That carries you
And keeps you whole


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  • 3 years ago

    by Abstract Poet

    Beautiful poem love it

  • 3 years ago

    by prasanna

    Interesting write! A departure in style from your other poems, I quite enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing!