I Miss You ...Come Home

by Heathergirl   Jul 14, 2004

It was love at first sight,
When I saw you I knew.
Together we would be,
Just me and you.

Your the only one,
I love you so much.
Im all alone now,
And I long for your touch.

It seems so long,
Since you have left.
You said you would be back,
I just hope for the best.

It has been three days,
I miss you so...
I wish that I,
Was allowed to go.

You said you would call,
When you arrived.
But when you didn't,
It made me cry.

I countdown the days,
Until your back in my world.
I still cant believe,
That you chose me to be your girl.

My love is true,
I know yours is too.
And I can't wait,
To be back with you.

~~My boyfriend lived a couple states away about a year ago. He came to visit his family and we fell in love, and he stayed here with me. I was best friends with his sister, that is how we met. (his sister doesn't talk to me anymore because of jealousy)


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  • 20 years ago

    by shannon

    another awesome poem!

  • 20 years ago

    by Heather R

    Moving poetry. I know how you feel with your friend. I have a friend who is so jealous because I love my boyfriend more than anything in this world. I haven't forgotten her and I try to be with her a lot, but she refuses.. Anywayz thanks for writing a note on my poetry.. K.I.T.

  • 20 years ago

    by Natalie84

    Tell her to go suck an egg....lol....Be with your man! Great poem...I must tell you my friend you really shouldn't be worrying about comments or votes because your poems are excellent. You are a very talented writer and you have to KNOW that. So don't stress the little things. Just do what you do and love it! Take Care!~ Nat

  • 20 years ago

    by Elyssa

    A good poem.. very good..i know how that feels.. people stop liking you beacuse of your boyfriend... i live with my boyfriend i lost my best friend.... dont ask me why but hse hates me know... I LOVED IT!!!!!! if i could give it better than A five i would!

  • 20 years ago

    by Valerie

    You sound alot like me. Thanks for commenting on my poem. Yours is really good.