
by Obscure   Sep 21, 2021

The darkness may be heavy,
And you may want to atone
The world is so unsteady
Full of people, yet alone

Your mind may scream for mercy
For relief from all the pain
But please don't slip and travel
Down that haunted road again

Your skin is full of scars, my dear
I'd say your mind is too
And when a struggle rears its head
Your brain knows what to do

"Here, grab a silver savior
From the shelf inside your room
And hole up in the bathroom
For an hour, maybe two"

To come out looking paler
Feeling worn, in need of rest
At the moment it feels better
Like a strange successful quest

As if sins have been forgiven
Horrid struggles overcome
But the action taints the future
Now there's shame for what was done

The joy so full of wonder
And the happiness, so sweet
Both stained by this "atonement"
Till they lay down in defeat

There will be times you're happy
Then the memories will rise
The shame keeps you in shackles,
I can see it in your eyes

You know its consequences
Yet the action tempts you still
It seems it could be worth it
But you know it never will

Please fight against your urges
Don't give in when things get bad
Don't let this stain the good times
More than it already has

You must take time for healing
It seems troublesome, I know
But destructive ways of coping
Only help you feel alone

Your happiness is precious
And I know it's hard to do
But please reach out for help
Please know I'll be there for you

© Obscure 2021


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  • 3 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    Love this.

    Sounds like the soundtrack of my life for many a year.

