Oh, ladyfingers,
Paint me the stars with your beauty;
A beauty that shines in the night brightly,
Your face that sweetly walk the air that lingers,
Walking passed a beauteous garden nightly;
Sing me a song with all love,
Paint me the colors of your sweet smile;
Just to see you, I could walk for a thousand miles,
Vested be your glorious beauty up above,
A heavenly face worth a see in a special while;
Show me the beauty of your deepest red,
Such a beautiful place I laid to thrive in;
And an endless peace I have ever seen,
A road I've longed and loved to tread,
An exhilaratingly happy place I've long been;
Bring me a chosen place where I choose forth,
A love between you and me so true;
Unending until the ancient becomes new,
Of an eternity that proved of its true worth,
Of what love and everything it could do;
Lay me a bed of endless flowers,
Of which I may softly sleep;
Bid whispers in my ears to keep,
Spoken so lovingly your tender words,
Frolicking in my dreams, I softly creep.