Dedication to Koelnektar - the sweetest wine of all

by Hazel (Dancing Rivers) Phillips-Dube   Nov 17, 2021

Her elegant frame stole my sight
A glamour of golden hues in deepest night.
Voices chattered yet hers alone I heard
The velvet lilt serenading my soul.

I took her waist and cupped her bosom
Sipping of her delicate kiss

What a dazzling sensuous kiss indeed!

Her nectar flowed down my hungry throat

What a decadent wine she was indeed.

Never shall I buy another bottle of wine
For this glass....

The last sip of her sweet sweet wine can never be replaced.


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  • 3 years ago

    by ddavidd

    Wow It is hard to comment on this one. You always are good with pen.
    How are you Hazel. Nice to see you around. I missed you.

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