
by Obscure   Dec 13, 2021

I go bobbing for memories
Their presence haunts me
If only I could reach them
But they slip through my teeth

Perhaps I cannot grasp the past
And it will float, inviting,
Claiming the answers wait for me
But I can't wait for them

One day I'll be a memory
But I hope not to haunt
Instead I'll, homeless, fade
I've gotten what I want

Promise me you'll forget me
I am trapped by emptiness
But you are warm and alive
And I wish you happiness

Do not search for my existence
Please let the past be gone
I'm not a memory worth bobbing for
So let me just move on

- © Obscure 2021


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  • 3 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    Sadly this is so relatable. With growing old memories slip and fade away and you know when your time is near that you want your loved ones to continue living and not waste the time they have mourning. Glad to see this nominated. Milly x

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