Maria, Rhapsody, Be Thy Name... (A Quatern)

by Robert Gardiner   Dec 28, 2021

Maria, Rhapsody, Be Thy Name.... (A Quatern)

Maria, Rhapsody, Be Thy Name.
You Enthrall Me, With Ecstasy, Unrestrained.
Venus's, Aphrodite's, Neither's Allure
Matches The Magic Which You Outpour.

Rapture Goddess, I do proclaim,
Maria, Rhapsody, Be Thy Name,
Your Paradise, Heaven, Every Time, I Get Lost In.
I'm Exhilarated, By You, Time And Time, Again.

Your, Unmatched, Majesty, I Do Exclaim.
Never Have I Known, A More Wonderful Thing.
Maria, Rhapsody, Be Thy Name.
A Chorus, Of Praise, To You, The Angel's Sing.

Stupefied, I Am, By Your Spell, Sublime.
My Heart, My Soul, My All, Aflame.
I'm Intoxicated, By You, Every Single Time.
Maria, Rhapsody, Be Thy Name...

Robert Gardiner

Quatern: A Quatern is a sixteen line French form composed of four quatrains. It has a refrain that is in a different place in each quatrain. The first line of stanza one is the second line of stanza two, third line of stanza three, and fourth line of stanza four. A quatern has eight syllables per line. It does not have to be iambic or follow a set rhyme scheme.


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