Empty cracks

by Silver lake   Feb 23, 2022

Feeling empty in the dark
Losing sanity in cracks

A laugher in the shadows of lust
It tastes like the dessert dust
More meaningless than a nap in the void

Riping me off from the roots
In the early morning of your midnight
You won't imagine how much tears I cried


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  • 3 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    First, I wanted to say welcome to PnQ! I hope you enjoy the site and always feel free to share your poetry here. There's such a desperation described here - and I think you portrayed that isolation and emptiness well, in these few lines. I felt, in the first two stanzas, the descent into madness, into the unknown, into something you can't even find a definition or purpose for. The image of "ripping me off from the roots" stuck with me, and I especially liked the phrasing of "your midnight" in the next line. It made me think of a slow and painful separation from what you've known and become close to. I would say maybe "many tears" instead of "much tears" sounds better? I know "much" can take the place of "many" in a lot of cases, depending on the noun. It just didn't seem to flow as well into the last line in my opinion. "you won't imagine how much I cried" or "you won't imagine how many tears I cried" sounds better to me, but that's only my perspective! Thanks for sharing.

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