Euphoria in a name.

by Poet on the Piano   Mar 11, 2022

It's funny how a single question
can make all the difference.

He casually asks my pronouns
as we walk to the backroom for training,
and apologizes in advance if he messes up.
Here's someone who used to know me
many years ago, and right away greets
me with the new name I've disclosed.

I apologize for the paperwork we'll have
to update once my legal name is changed,
but he doesn't make me feel bad or guilty.
Everyone I meet welcomes me with a
genuine "Hi, Elliott!", and I'm amazed.

I'm amazed how people can adapt.
I'm amazed to not be questioned
of my gender based on the tone of
my voice and the way I look.

A simple question makes me feel at home.
Being called by my name without hesitation
is like an adrenaline shot to the heart.

The name I've now chosen.
The name that makes this world make sense.


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  • 3 years ago

    by Shruti

    This is so heartwarming, makes we want to cry!

    Also, my only confusion (regarding almost everyone on this site): whether to call you by your name only, or use an honorific like they do in our culture, since you are older than me~ ^_^

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