The whole world was only a cell, and your cell was the whole world.
It was the freedom!
For the freedom is
liberation from time and space,
inside and out,
only unmeasurable measures.
How meaningless is to be late in eternity,
unsaid words,
in silence?
How futile is to go
in the orbit of a horizon-less rotation,
distances with no destination?
the vibration of stillness in infinity!
The Zero-degree parallel
where the zero is
a complete circle!
If I did not burn,
I would not return back to fire.
If there was not a smile
I would get lost in space,
and I wouldn’t learn the journey
from the distance,
from reaching out to you,
from finding you,
from looking at your eyes:
into the eternity!!
Alas I still remember the deep well that we cave in each other.
Trees, these souls trapped in sand,
that for becoming free again
excavate in skies and earth,
and cling into the winds to remain afloat
to feel like wings
in their leaves.
What a deep well to the sweet water of feelings!
Such a clear water ensnared in darkness
unexplored to the salty seas!
Such an oases
far from the hands of faraway!
What a cool water of silence
in this darkness of such tumultuous words!
How we scaped from one another in order
to find each other again
in a big heart!
How, like roots, we split from each other,
and scattered
to like a tree,
become such a strong stalk!
How many times we fled ourselves
in order to again return to ourselves,
in the twin glass jars of an hourglass,
in the molds that constantly full and empty of themselves,
and pendulate
between zero and eternity,
to create frequencies!
For how long our hearts would out beat
the clock!?