landed gentrification

by arquious   Jun 6, 2022

Of a mind that’s glad, dopamine-laced silken shawls
stays awhile, close by, sobre feet planted to ground
surface deep to what’s known, tearless skies gape
everything - exclude ruins that steer away our gaze -
unrestrained conceptualisation, dessicate oceans
Lo! Days bordered by umbral berms, enbanked
In the squeeze of chiselled marble, dark tones
yes, every garçon drinking dregs of ladhood:
you shan’t stay, bulldozers levelling earth
drop their plumblines to eclectic visions
no longer doubtful of fearless inductions;
surely towers crowned with lightning rods
contain a spark of unwarranted tumult
tumors found reclining on barren futons
Yea, my mind roars a protester's slogan!


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