I Wish to Draw Just One Line

by Everlasting   Jun 27, 2022

I wish to draw a line,
not one that divides,
but one that unites several lines
to create a complete picture
( some meaningful passage)


just imagine

a blank canvas

a pencil drawing a vertical line from the center;
cutting the canvas in half

this line creates the illusion of division

it seems as if it’s no longer just one canvas
but two canvases where more lines can be drawn

in these canvases, there’s plenty of room
to draw more lines to give the illusion of separation

So just imagine, several lines drawn
creating separation after separation

creating the illusion that it is no longer just one canvas

but several canvases

each showing a truth


but imagine drawing just one line

one line

to somehow connect all the lines

to unite

all the lines in some way or another

as to finally

being able to recognized that it is just one canvas

and that each of the canvasses’ truths

is distracting the viewer from the actual

meaning of the entire picture


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  • 2 years ago

    by Ricky Story


  • 2 years ago

    by BOB GALLO

    I want to talk about this poem there are so many things to be said, along some criticism. But i am so weak these days. I had an accident in the job side and lost so much blood I hardly even have read it. So a rain check. This is significant that is why.

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