
by Maher   Jun 30, 2022

Hush now, Love,
the line is crossed, no more can we go back.
Borders bored with lazy suits,
big dollars in their breasts.
There beat no hearts 'neath pinstripe silk
nor souls that could attest
to famine raised in countries razed,
their dust still in the air.

Hush now, Love,
you can't say that, it's now become a crime.
Only speak to those who drink
the tears of corporate lies.
Say not a word against the herd,
they watch you in your sleep.
Spend not a dime lest you'll recline
on shards of debt and greed.

Smile, my Dear,
this war is ours, the one They say we need.
Profess our love with shrapnel things
despite our breaking dreams.
Pay no mind to other lands
whose people we made bleed.
Our sins are deeds that needed be,
so hone your eyes on this.

Rejoice, my Love,
soon owning naught will make you ever happy.
Believe in what they say is faith,
dream what they wish to hear.
Hush your lips from spoken word
and hush your thoughts in mind.
Hush the truths they paint as lies.
Hush your very life.


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  • 2 years ago

    by Xaque

    The writer gripped me instantly with this piece. I found the further and further I read the more I was rewarded in rhythm and potent substance. The writer shows a mastery of word play throughout the piece. "Borders bored", "famine raised in countries razed" especially stood out to me. The soft tone of each beginning of each stanza by speaking to a loved one is contrasted with the tyranny described, illustrating greed, indifference and cruelty. The ending also tied to the beginning, and as much as I loved the whole piece, the ending line is my favorite. I interpreted a theme of injustice and totalitarianism, and that what has already been done is unstoppable and all-knowing. I got strong "thought crime", 1984 vibes. Great read.

    • 2 years ago

      by Maher

      Thank you Xaque, glad you enjoyed it. 1984 is exactly what I had in mind, along with WEF's agenda that's pretty much all public now.

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