A Mother's Day Gift

by Hellon   Jul 1, 2022

There it was
on the kitchen bench,
my brand new
"instant pot"
all shiny and inviting
me to get cooking

I did...

soups casseroles, curries
all done in a matter
of minutes.

"It will save you so much time" they chorused
and....it did.

So many hours which I had happily spent
in the kitchen now gone...only one pot
at the end to wash, saving even more time
not to mention power


there is no smell of cooking in
my kitchen now, no stirring, no seasoning or tasting
required until the end when it's too late to add
my secret ingredient....


@Hellon 1st July 2022


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  • 2 years ago

    by Olwin Mcdonald

    This really touched my heart to read, especially when I got to the last line.
    Wonderful poem so beautifully written.

  • 2 years ago

    by Everlasting

    I wonder what’s wrong with your instant pot lol

    When I used mine, (not always), there’s always the smell. I tend to use it to speed up the process of meat cooking or beans but not for everything. There’s some recipes that are for the instant pots but the recipes that I cook like Mexican dishes required to add certain ingredients at different times. I guess that’s what you mean by the secret ingredient “love” that joy that comes from feeling as if we are chemists in the kitchen .

  • 2 years ago

    by BOB GALLO

    How delightful to see you and your poetry again. I know that recipe. My mom is alive but she hardly could cook in the age of 88. Would you ever cook for us Hellon?

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