Comments : Cold

  • 2 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    The flow of the rhymes here makes this piece even more devastating. The images are strong of the castles, red, sea, and the weight and significance of "cold" leaves an impact here. The wording in this is unique, like "birthed a bond named cold".... never would I have thought that "cold" could be a bond, but it makes me think that you are two are bonded and, although you have incredible strength and build defenses and try to protect everyone around you, there are still winds that try to shake you and waters that try to drown that hope. It made me think of your strength in building a foundation for family, loving it, tending to it, and remaining steadfast in face of hardships.

    Really strong poem, Meena. Missed reading your verses!

    • 2 years ago

      by Meena Krish

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment!

  • 2 years ago

    by William Mae

    Your poetry is beautiful and makes me search each placement and chosen word, knowing more is not said then said. Hidden waiting to be discovered

  • 2 years ago

    by paul anand Singh

    Hello, I haven't written and posted anything for a while now. It seems that over the years this site has changed a few times. Everything is different. The layout used to be different with a pinkish color pages.
    Because of the changes I cannot access many of my previous poems. When I try to sign in it wouldn't let me. So I had to register again.
    However, it is nice to see you still writing those beautiful poems and I look forward in staying here for a while longer this time. Looking forward to read your beautiful poems again. I love this one. Great job.