Broken To Be Healed Eventually

by Ricky Story   Nov 24, 2022

I miss you so much…
All I ever wanted was to make you smile…
And now we don’t talk…
I know you have problems…
I do too…
It’s normal to have a problem or two…
Your a great person…
Threw these holidays…
I just wish I could be with you…
And eat some bird…
Your a great person…
Something about you makes me feel good…
And I know it’s only a matter of time before we link up again…
You know you can count on me right?
Because you can…
I want to make your life better…
I want your brain to feel better…
I want your mood to be better…
I want your smile to show more…
I want you to laugh and stuff…
As morbid as it sounds…
Your my best friend…
Besides my mom and dad…
Who I also love and always will…
Your right up there with them…
I promise…
And that’s a fact…
So please don’t take it for granted…
I need you…
And you’ve been distant for so long…
It hurt me…
It really does…
But I don’t want you to get upset about it…
I’m really not upset…
Just hopeful…
Maybe one day our connection will be renewed…
I look forward to our days together…
Bye for now…
Better late than never…
Love you pal



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