by Linda   Jan 12, 2023

This is corporate jewelry.

The wealthy elderly woman weeping,
holding her hands against her heart,
buying a diamond snowflake piece.
Like her husband did for Christmas for their 43 years.

All the snowflakes are even different.

Everything is different.

How will she go on?
She says she has no life or love after him,
at her age, she will only wait to die.

I buy her $100 necklace on my employee discount.

The best $25 I ever spent in my life.

He got you one last time,
Merry Christmas.

That piece?
Those diamonds,
the 925 silver,
cost the company less than $10 dollars to create.

When working full time,
My family will still qualify for welfare
for a company which grosses billions per quarter.

My boss laughed at me
when the pressure burst.
My sensory overload, empathetic overwhelm,
my sensitive soul.

her indignant spirit.

The lie of empathy as a corporate expectation.

The misguided idea that a corporation can embody morality.

The lies we tell ourselves to ignore our willful compliance.

The idea that money is worth working for…

that money is as valuable as the breath of my family.


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  • 2 years ago

    by Dino Dhamphyr

    Such a powerful message here. This poem is a powerful reminder of the cost of corporate greed and the lack of empathy for those affected. It speaks to the everyday struggles of people who are caught in the web of corporate power and how it affects their lives and those of their loved ones. It speaks to the hypocrisy of corporations that claim to be morally responsible but are really only interested in their bottom line. It speaks to the lies we tell ourselves in order to justify our complicity in the system. It speaks to the idea that money is worth working for when our time is really worth so much more than that. It speaks to the idea that money can never replace the people and things we truly value. This poem is a powerful reminder of the power of words and the importance of speaking out against injustice. Great work! 10/10

    • 2 years ago

      by Linda

      Thank you for reading & commenting!

  • 2 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    These multimillion corporations play on the, "we are like you" but they are not, behind the façade is huge greedy shark tank of shareholders snapping for as much of our money as they can get.

    Thanks for sharing - nominated.

    • 2 years ago

      by Linda

      Wow, thank you :’)