Inside out

by Linda   Jan 31, 2023

I would give anything for the relief of
an unbelievably fresh, sleek, sharp razor blade
up against my skin and bones.

My husband sees me naked
and my children see my skin.

There’s nowhere I can place them
to cut a slit into this overblown vessel
so I can release this bursting pressure.

My skin is stretching too tight,
one small nick could turn me inside out.


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Latest Comments

  • 1 year ago

    by Ink

    I can really relate to this, it is extremely well penned, I find my own intrusive thoughts of this nature cascade at such a rate I can barely keep up. Thank you for sharing. Regards Ink.

  • 2 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    I've written about self harm, but this is super visceral. Sometimes, it needs to be because life is this bloody real.

    • 2 years ago

      by Linda

      I’m starting to think we understand one another, my new friend. Thank you

  • 2 years ago

    by Skyfire

    Gah, this hits so close to home for me! You said it perfectly.

  • 2 years ago

    by BOB GALLO

    I cannot condone these kinds of self harm expressions but I can surly admire the poetical skill.
    Very nice

    • 2 years ago

      by Linda

      thank you

  • 2 years ago

    by MJ

    I genuinely relate to this deeply. I've never been able to express this feeling to anyone. You have captured my feelings and emotions PERFECTLY. Please keep writing. You are AMAZING

    • 2 years ago

      by Linda

      thank you for understanding and sharing. i appreciate the feedback

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