by Ashmore
I agree Shoshana. I enjoy reading your poems Tony. |
by Lindsay C
wow.. really good! very touching! 5/5 |
by Stephanie
5/5 thats a great poem... |
by jenelle
This is a really good poem...i like it! |
Aww this poem almost made me cry |
by Ren
It seemed like you were forcing the poem to rhyme. I would have writtin this poem free verse. It has a really good message and I think it is a good poem...but PERSONALLY I think it has a little could be very very good though |
Very good |
by briana
This is a moving poem! i'll enjoy reading more of yours! * bre bre * |
by donk2ymouth
Oooh. I haven't seen a poem with |
by Ashley Ann
Good poem keep it up 5/5 |
I know what u was a great poem w/o a doubt keep writing! |