A Love That I Still Hold

by Walter   Feb 9, 2023

She is the reason for my words
From since she touched my heart
All my emotions that she stirred
Right from the very start

The first time that I saw her face
My heart began to pound
While beating at such a pace
To what my eyes have found

Her voice is such flowing tune
When lips like harps are strung
So softly spoken makes me swoon
This tune played with her tongue

Her presence always makes a stance
A sight which I behold
I cannot help but feel romance
Her warmth when I was cold

My only wish is that she knows
How much she means to me
And so I live in her shadows
To dream what I foresee

My eyes are not the only thing
She seems to have control
I feel my heart has gone missing
That I know she stole

I may not have a single rose
Or offer a card I write
Just my desire for her to know
While she's within my sight

Shining armour I might lack
While hers a heart of gold
But if she will not give mine back
My love remains untold

Though now no longer can I hide
Behind her shadow dark
For while I'm standing by her side
Is when our flame will spark

I cannot hope for any more
To hold her hand in mine
And yearn the girl that I adore
Will be my Valentine


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  • 2 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hello Walter,

    I do appreciate a valentine poem, and I prefer them when they rhyme. Your tale is of one of unrequited love teetering on the verge of one lover blurting out a confession. I can feel the vulnerability in the possibility of that girl not reciprocating. Ending the poem on a cliff hanger is perfect for a valentines poem as the reader can end this themselves.

    Nice work.

    • 2 years ago

      by Walter

      Hi Mr. Darcy, thank you so much and I appreciate your very spot on comments with the poems interpretation.