Who We Are

by Walter   Feb 18, 2023

Instead of getting angry
It's better to move on
What's the point in arguing
Or proving right from wrong

Is it worth a friendship
Or everything you share
Must there be a winner
With something so unfair

It will be much easier
Not to hold a grudge
You'll just make it harder
When you will not budge

By taking those few steps
When your head's not clear
Waiting until your calm
Before you reappear

Letting bygones pass
So you don't obsess
To come back when you're smiling
And not feeling stress

This is so much simpler
And what friends should be
I think we'd all prefer this
To an enemy

So whenever you're conversing
Just hold this in mind
As to replace your friendship
Might be hard to find

I'd rather spend time with friends
Although we don't agree
Than proving I am always right
But finding I'm lonely


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Latest Comments

  • 2 years ago

    by Rebecca Matson

    I love this!

    • 2 years ago

      by Walter

      Thank you Rebecca!

  • 2 years ago

    by Koan

    ..its easier said than done Im afraid. Takes self disciplines and great knowledge to turn your anger into something positive... Im a failure! Made so much mistakes in my life... Enjoyed this read... thx

    • 2 years ago

      by Walter

      Thanks for your comment Koan. Yes we have all been there and unfortunately it is a hard lesson to learn. Cheers.

  • 2 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hello Walter,

    you have a real knack for writing poems that have a good message. Often, like this one, they impart good advice. Making sure your opinions are accepted may seem worth the fight, but no one appreciates a smart arse. I find it is best to know this and bask in your own internal righteousness. :O)

    • 2 years ago

      by Walter

      Hi Mr. Darcy, thank you for reading and your comment which I totally agree with...sometimes talking less says a lot more :)