Held Hostage By My Own Wrath

by Golden AnGel Rhapsodist   Feb 23, 2023

I am sorry if I let my anger ruled me
I apologize for not forgiving you easily,

Because I believe that I deserve the sincerest apology,
But what can I expect? This occurred not only thrice actually.

What will I gain from holding this too long?
Will I keep trail of your every wrongs?

I don't want this anger to cloud my personality,
And likewise I don't want it to drain my energy.

I cannot force someone to change their attitude and character,

I can't stop somebody from being jealous, lying or getting better.

But I am certain of being able to change,

Thus I will forgive you even it sounds so strange.

This baggage is weighing me down
So I decided to forget about it now,

I shall not let this poison remain in my atmosphere,
Hence, I need my heart and mind to get Clean And Clear.

Even if you don't ask, you deserve it, I guess?

I would like to offer you my sincere forgiveness.

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  • 2 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hello Gel,

    here is a lesson - finding the strength of forgiveness to enable the release of anger and resentment. It is often harder to achieve than it is to say, but we only hurt ourselves if we hold onto the negative energy.

    I like the way you have laid this out with the rhyme - somehow, this makes this lesson more palatable. x

    • 2 years ago

      by Golden AnGel Rhapsodist

      Hi Mr.Darcy,

      Thank you for appreciating this poem..
      it's so hard for me to forgive her coz she done so many damages, emotional and mentally...but I need to forgive her even if its hard as a gift for myself coz I don't want to forget everything and to carry it all my life..its like I am sipping a poison but hoping she'sthe one to die but if we think twice it's me who took the poison that will kill me day by day...now its weightless coz I let it go....


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