
by cassie hughes   Mar 5, 2023

Unspoken is the creed between a woman and the world,
That keeps most intimate and deep those matters private furled,
If pain or bloody details dare to grace her ruby lips,
Then she pariah will become, from public be dismissed.

Her hopes and dreams must buried deep be hid within her soul,
And naught should show upon her face, emotions all controlled,
For once the cracks begin to show steps may not be retraced,
A path towards salvation doth oft transmute to disgrace.

Although equality is spoused from pacifying lips,
And clichéd platitudes and lies in female ears are dripped,
The truth be told still woman must adhere to arcane rules,
Such freedoms are for others, she is bounden, life is cruel


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  • 2 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy


    This is a well crafted poem, using quatranes of aa, bb... 14 syllables per line. The language communicates your message in a dignified way, yet leaves the reader in no doubt how you feel.

    I ashamed of the unbalanced world we live in.

    Nice work.