The Hurt

by MJ   Mar 5, 2023

It's 3:35 pm. The school has ended. I feel oh so down. Having to go back to the place I dread the most, my house. Filled with hatred and despair. As I get on the bus, my entire mood switches. I am is filled with sadness and hurt having to go back to the place I feel the most alone. Where no one seems to understand or listen to my feelings. Argument after argument, oh it never stops. In hopes to leave this place someday, to move to a place where it finally feels like home. I try to keep my head up, the weight of the hurt from that place is holding me down. I mask a smile every day to hide the pain my parents have given me. That's all I know. The hurt never stops for me. I want to say something but I can't. It's like I have an invisible tape over my mouth every single day. How do I do it, keeping up with everyone at school while dealing with all that? “Are you okay?” a friend asks, “Of course I am!” I say. But I want to say no. I can't help but say I'm okay. I have a constant fear that whatever I say about my parents can get them in trouble then things will get worse, or that no one will believe me and I’ll be all alone...


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  • 2 years ago

    by Larry Chamberlin

    Hi, MJ. I'm sorry things are so bad right now. It may sound old, but I'm sure that you will eventually be able to work out the issues, even if it is getting out for a new beginning (college, relatives).

    You can find many people here willing to hear you, including people in your same situation. As always, be careful to whom you give personal information.

    • 2 years ago

      by MJ

      thank you! you are so kind!