Duel of Conscience

by Kips2.0   Mar 15, 2023

Two voices clash in my mind
One pure and true, one less kind
A duel of conscience, fierce and strong
One voice is right, one voice is wrong

The first voice speaks with a gentle tone
Urging me to do what's known
To be the right and just thing to do
To choose the path that is pure and true

The second voice is filled with doubt
It whispers fears and worries about
It tells me to choose the easier way
To take the path that leads astray

The battle rages on inside
As the voices fight for the prize
The conscience clear or clouded by doubt
A decision to make, no way out

But in the end, the choice is mine
To listen to the voice that shines
To follow the path that leads to light
And choose what's good - what's true and right.


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  • 2 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    I do appreciate a rhyming poem with a clear message. Your words describe the inner conflict we all have with our truths and fears. Fundamentally, we all know what our truths are, but our choice isn't that knowledge, more the capacity in backing that decision.

    Good job. Nominated

    • 2 years ago

      by Kips2.0

      Wow! What a great comment!

      "Fundamentally, we all know what our truths are, but our choice isn't that knowledge, more the capacity in backing that decision."

      ^^^I've always said that so many people do not have the capacity to make/back the right decision. It's a very important value to have.