Smiles and Kisses

by No1ButMe   May 14, 2023

Smile sweetly all you want
I know it full of venom
invisible to most
but I’m not like everyone else
I can read between the lines
no one else has noticed
the slight extension
to your fangs
how when I open my mouth
you tap those daggers
waiting to catch me in something
I’m not going to give you anything
you’re not as quiet as you think
I’ve picked up on the hushed comments
that you thought were behind my back
you’re a completely different person
when you believe I’m paying attention
but you forget;
I’m always paying attention
as my name comes out of your mouth
dripping with conviction
for things I’ve never done
I forgot;
nothing is ever your fault
so make me out to be the liar,
the idiot that you think I play
one day you’ll see
I’ve been more intelligent since day one
gather your posse, if you must
start rumors,
call me names,
turn people against me,
be a false prophet,
in the end;
you’re only making yourself look worse
eventually your true nature will come out
and I will be in the front row,
even if I’m there all alone
doesn’t bother me one bit
take all your fake friends with you
I don’t need them
but know; I will still be here
I will show up every day,
still remaining strong
gathering information
that you let slip through
biding my time
until I break out
shinning like no one has ever seen,
leaving you all to decompose
in my shadows,
at that point; I will remember
and there will be no coming back for you
my trust in you has already shattered
my loyalty no longer exists, just like yours
so for now;
I’ll let you run the show
keep digging that grave in private
and smile oh so sweetly to me in public
but do me a favor,
at night before you go to bed
give that second face a kiss for me.


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