Thesis Prompt (story type)

by Everlasting   Jun 13, 2023

Prompt: The year is 12023, you are writing your thesis on ancient civilizations roughly 10,000 years ago on the Gods they worshipped such as Kalel; God of justice, Zelda; Goddess of Wisdom, Batman; God of Fear, Ironman; God of Fortune and thousands more…


“Professor, I tell you God is a God of Gods worshipped by Gods unknown to them to be Gods. This is not a thesis. This is a prayer answered by the God of fear.

There are many universes. My body is one of those. My body and my buddy’s as well…

Professor, I prayed to the Goddess of Wisdom to illuminate my writing process. Do you believe in prayer?

This is the year 12023. There are no wars other than what goes inside my cells. My mitochondria keeps on fighting. I see and I feel everything that happens within my body. With the symptoms I experience, I hear my immune systems praying. I provide resources. I strength their defenses. They conquered and make me almighty. I make them invincible.

Professor, I am God. Am I not?

They used to worship Ironman and his endless power supplied. Though He did not need worship. In my case, my energy is dimming. The less prayer I receive, the less I can provide. The less almighty I become. This fatigue will make me non-existent.

Where is the God of Death when I need it?

Where is his twin, Hypnos, the God of Sleep, the melatonin that protects every organ of this my universe? Am I under its power?

Professor, I prayed to the God of Justice once. The God determined that Parasites, bacteria, and what not was needed to balance the scale between Life and Death. When I lean towards life, the bacteria and parasites, do so as well. When I lean towards Death, and about to pray to Thanatos, the God of Death, I know these parasites and bacteria occupying my body, will cease to exist, but so would I.


In all realness, here is my thesis. “

Saraswati, pulls out of her portafolio, her thesis, and hands it, to her professor.

With an awkward smile, she walks into the hallway..


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  • 1 year ago

    by mistake

    It’s funny when I find myself confused and enthralled at the same time. I will have to read this more. Makes me want to go back and read Douglas adams.